Monday, March 4, 2013

A Year Later

Today is the anniversary of my accident. Many would say it is my birthday, a rebirth indeed. My life has done a 360 and I am in awe everyday. Life started at point B. I live with amnesia, but count my blessings day by day. See a year ago I woke up in a hospital room full of strangers to a reality that life had passed by me without me noticing it. Today I take every second in and hold it tight. The Lord kept His promise and has never left me nor forsaken me, and though the reasons for this may never ever be fully revealed I lean on His sovereignty. His Word was written in my heart not just my mind. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.”-Jeremiah 31:33 
I am humbled and grateful for all those people who were Jesus’ hands and feet through our darkest moments.